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Final stats

I decided to include a little rating list at the end of each bento, which I called "final stats".
Here is what I mean with each of them and how I rate them:

Total Time: this will include the time it takes me to wash up and tidy the kitchen after cooking. Don't you hate those 15 minutes meals that conveniently fail to mention the two hours cleanup afterwards?

How many meals: because I often make two or more portions, one for immediate consumption, one for the bento.


- = pretty ugly
* = ugly
** = ok-ish. 
*** = appetizing
**** = really pretty
***** = booootiful

Value for effort:
- = not worth it
* = also not worth it
** = sort of worth it 
*** = worth it
**** = really worth it
***** = where has this been all my life?

- = bad idea. Don't do this. 
* = not great. 
** = ok-ish. 
*** = good stuff. 
**** = this is awesome. 
***** = Make this NAO

Staple potential: 
- = I am never making this again
* = I am also not making this again
** = I may make this again if I have no other ideas
*** = I may make this again.
**** = I am definitely making this again
***** = I should aim not to make this again too often or I will get sick of it.


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